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Preparing For Colon Hydrotherapy!

We have suggestions for people that want their colon cleansing to be successful and comfortable.

For at least 2-3 days before the session:


Water is nourishing

  • Flushes Toxins from the Body
  • Essential for Proper Digestion
  • Great for Your Joints and Muscles
  • Helps to Maintain Healthier Skin
  • Burns More Calories and Fat
  • Pain is Simple Manifestation of Dehydration
Water glasses Picture

Water is a fluid that is part of your immune system, which helps you fight off illness.

Your body needs water to digest your food and get rid of waste.

Drink 3-4 liters of fluids (water, fresh juice, herbal tea) daily. This will help to soften your stool.

Make 2 or 3 glasses of tasty vegetable juices like carrot with cucumber or carrot with apple.

And...if you are particularly constipated or dehydrated, take an enema or herbal cleanser the night before your session.


Foods to choose

Do You Know that Food Can Heel You and Food Can Kill You! Eliminate Food that Make You Sick. Chew well until it gets liquid in your mouth. There are no teeth in the stomach! Never Eat When You Stress Out Or When You Are In a Hurry!

Remember! No Guts, No Glory Because Healthy Gut is The Core of Your Total Wellness!

Vegetables Picture

Avoid drinking or eating anything 2 hours prior to your appointment.

You will receive abdominal massage, so it's most comfortable if you have an empty stomach.

Make fruits and vegetables 50% of your diet and avoid gas-producing and commercial processed foods.

Eat living raw or lightly cooked foods because they contain active enzymes. Decrease your consumption of animal-based proteins which are binding foods that are high in acid.

Try to consume pesticides, GMO free, local and seasonal produce. If you have gluten, dairy intolerances avoid those foods.

Stretch Picture


Move your body & sweat!

Exercise stimulates intestinal circulation so get going!

Enjoy and love and be grateful for your amazing body.

Schedule some exercise either the day of or day prior to having a colonic.

Swim, walk, ride a bicycle, run, dance, garden, play with your children, clean, or practice yoga or Pilates. Rebounding (bouncing on a mini trampoline) is fabulous for toning the colon and other organs as well as for stimulation of the lymphatic system.


Clock time Picture

Arrive on time or early without a rushed manner. The intestines work best when they are relaxed.

If You are feeling stressed prior to the procedure try laughing, breathing, exercising, listening to soothing music, and being in a supportive loving environment all help relax the nervous system.

Talk openly and honestly with your colonic therapist to discuss your lifestyle, medical history, and any questions or concerns you may have about your symptoms or the procedure.

Remember to relax

The colon therapists at Temple of Wellness Center will also help you to achieve a feeling of relaxation and comfort.

We look forward to working with you! GET WELL!